Typically, when I hear the word, “sensible” – I pretty much zone out… like when I hear about “sensible shoes” or implementing a “sensible diet.” I mean, whoo hoo … exciting; right?
Whether it sounds riveting or not; at the end of the day, our job is to make sure that our packaging protects the powerful ingredients in our products, while being environmentally friendly and not driving up costs. Sounds “sensible” to me …
When first venturing into the world of skincare, I knew that we wanted our products to have a “pharmaceutical-type” of quality packaging to them. I imagined apothecary dark amber glass bottles right out of the gate.
So … let’s take a deeper dive…WHY, WHY, AND WHY?
WHY the Dark Amber Bottle? (Glad you asked!)
So… yeh… we might not have the sexiest, shiniest, Manhattan Ave sleek pricey packaging… but it sure does make sense.
First - Amber glass protects from UV rays and are ideal for photo-sensitive products. The sun’s UV rays damage not only our skin if not protected; they also deteriorate the purity of ingredients of skincare products. They help to ensure product integrity for long term storage of skincare products by filtering out blue and ultraviolet light, potentially increasing the shelf life. Who doesn’t want their products to last longer; right?
Second - The darker the glass, the more protection it offers against oxidation. Oxidation negates the therapeutic value of Vitamin C and many ingredients over time. Rapid oxidation alters the chemicals in essential oils, causing them to break down and be less effective.
Third - Glass is healthier than plastic. A study from Environmental Health Perspective states that “over 70% of plastic leaches hormone-mimicking chemicals into the substance it stores.” Plastic byproducts can wreak havoc on the body’s hormones – making them exceptionally problematic for women. I don’t know about you…but I don’t need anything messing with my hormones!
Fourth - They are environmentally sensitive and eco-friendly. They can be re-purposed and are easy to recycle. Glass in one of the only recyclable materials that can be re-used again and again – without losing durability, strength, or purity.
WHY the Pump Dispenser? (Glad you noticed!)
Not only is it convenient to use, and easier to control the portion of the liquid you need, but it’s not messy. For me…Ms. Clumsy… and Ms. Frugal, I have knocked over so many bottles and lost so much pricey product in my lifetime; I’m relieved not to have to worry about losing the good stuff …and cleaning up the mess on the countertop.
And finally…drumroll please…the biggest deal is that without having to take the top off of the bottle, the pump keeps oxygen out of the bottle, which further protects the product from going rancid, extending the self-life.
WHY no Box? (Glad you care!)
We’ve spoken with our savvy discerning Generations Skincare folks about boxes with skincare product …and guess what they told us? They said they open the package, take the bottle out, and … you guessed it… THROW THE BOX AWAY. Don’t need it. Don’t want it. Don’t have it. Why fill landfills with shiny packaging?
That was the feedback we got… so we’re listening.
So…there you have it folks. Next time you see our amber bottles with pump dispensers, you know WHY!