Our Story
After living in the mid-west her entire life and retiring from having worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 25 years, our founder, Ann Mattingly-Lowe, decided that it was time for a change.This sparked her passion to research the most effective active skincare ingredients to create the highest-quality products. Along the way, she kept the goal of creating a “best-in-class” distinct product line at a great value for like-minded people. A serendipitous thing happened along the way. Ann’s niece, Theresa, chose a career path as a Dermatologist, and Ann couldn’t have been more thrilled. She and her niece have shared many wonderful memories together and now she could consult with Dr. Mattingly on this new journey about her ‘decades-old’ passion of skincare. Just one more incredible shared passion where the two could collaborate. Dr. Mattingly actually inspired Ann to create Glimmer, a lactic acid nighttime serum, a fan-favorite, which acts as a chemical exfoliant to expose new, fresh skin. Today, Dr. Theresa Mattingly gives Expert Advice on this website. The name, Generations Skincare, came as a result of her tribe, savvy souls ranging in age from their Teen’s into their 80’s, enjoying the benefits of powerful skin-penetrating serums. After listening to their feedback and countless hours of research and development, the best of the best came into being … Glow, Glisten and Glimmer.

Our Commitment
We are dedicated to creating high-quality skincare products for discerning, savvy, hard-working souls at an affordable price, while supporting mental health philanthropic initiatives. We are a no-nonsense skin-care brand where science, hope, and affordability meet to help generations of humans attain visibly more radiant skin. We combine skin science with the goal of attaining timeless beauty across the faces of multi-generations. By keeping our process simple, eliminating markups from middlemen and choosing not to spend dollars on excessive marketing, we are able to deliver preeminent products at a fair price.
Our Founder
Ann Mattingly-Lowe - “It Doesn’t Have to Cost a Million Bucks for You to Look Like a Million Bucks!”
The lack of high-quality affordable skincare products inspired our founder, Ann Mattingly-Lowe, in a way that made her want to help others. Since growing up as a child with parents from the Great Depression era, Ann has had a penchant for researching the best products, finding great deals, and learning how to stretch a dollar. Throughout the years, like many women, Ann became a regular at “medical spas.” Of course, she loved looking refreshed and sporting a glow after treatments… but she wasn’t so fond of the high price-tags associated with the skincare products that the staff often tried to push after their services. Before you knew it, Ann was busy sourcing the key “active ingredients” found in high-end skin care products and making small batches of her own. Her home began looking like a miniature lab; with test tubes, amber jars, magnetic stirrers, beakers, and lab scales. She experimented with several variations of high-quality ingredients, measuring with precision the raw ingredients, solvents and stabilizers; not settling until she had landed on exceptional quality and consistent ph levels within industry standards that maintain over the course of months. Along the way, she recruited her family and friends as testers and critics, in hopes of developing the “perfect formula.” She began giving it to her friends and family for holiday and birthday gifts…and they kept asking for more. It didn’t take long to realize that she had a hit on her hands. Glow was born. And as they say… “The Rest is History.”
The Inner Glow Initiative
The Inner Glow Initiative represents our commitment to support mental health wellness by giving back to community-based mental health initiatives and funding scholarships directed towards young adults. At the same time, our products are designed to make you look like you have a healthy glow. We believe that having an external glow is often the first step to feeling your inner glow as well. Our hope is that through our products, financial donations, and connections to mental health resources; we can help reduce the stigma of living with mental health conditions.